一、发表期刊论文40余篇,sci论文14篇,其中授权13项,参编国家规划教材4部。 (1) li tingting; wu caie; meng xiangyong; structural characterization and antioxidant activity of a glycoprotein isolated from camellia oleifera abel seeds against d galactose induced oxidative stress in mice, journal of functional foods, 2020, 64(1). (2)li, tingting; meng, xiangyong; wu, caie; anticancer activity of a novel glycoprotein from camellia oleifera abel seeds against hepatic carcinoma, international journal of biological macromolecules, 2019, 136: 284. (3)xiangyong meng; tingting li; teng song;solubility, structural properties, and immunomodulatory activities of rice dreg protein modified with sodium alginate under microwave heating.food sicence and nutrition,2019,7:2556–2564. (4)li tingting; zhang hui; wu caie; screening ofantioxidant and antitumor activities of major ingredients from defatted camellia oleifera seeds, food science and biotechnology, 2014, 23(3): 873 李婷婷等,青钱柳降血糖冲剂的制备方法,zl201210007402.5 李婷婷等,青钱柳胶囊及其制备方法,zl201210007384.0 李婷婷等,一种红油味棕榈花苞软罐头及其加工工艺,zl201410447167.2 《食品贮运学实验指导》,中国林业出版社 《食品工艺学综合实验》,中国林业出版社 《食品包装学》,中国农业出版社 二 获奖 (1) 银杏果保鲜精准控制及加工提质增效关键技术研究与应用,梁希林业科学技术进步奖,二等奖 (2) 江苏省微课比赛,二等奖 (3) 南京林业大学青年教师讲课竞赛,一等奖 (4) 南京林业大学教学成果,二等奖 (5) “水杉名师”(教学新秀),南京林业大学